“Our new ventilators arrived just in time! The night Superstorm Sandy raged through Virginia, a mother with twins went into premature labor. One of the babies was in a very precarious state of health. The baby had to be transferred to a level III NICU right away, but the closest one is located 70 miles away. Under normal circumstances, this tiny infant would have to be airlifted, but Medivac couldn’t fly in hurricane conditions and the roads were impassable by ambulance. The baby had to be treated here immediately. Thanks to the new CPAP machine, she could be. So by the following morning when the winds subsided and the helicopter finally arrived, the baby was almost fully stabilized. Brave Beginnings, your gift saved her life. Mom and both babies are doing well. Without your help and the state-of-the-art equipment your grant supported, we might have been mourning a tragedy instead of celebrating a success.”
– Kirsten DueckDevelopment Officer,
Fauquier Hospital

Brave Beginning’s grant funded Fauquier Hospital’s purchase of the new CPAP machine that saved this Preemie’s life.