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Install life-saving equipment in hospitals
Ensure every preemie has the care they need to grow


Preterm birth remains among the top causes of infant death. A Preemie is defined as an infant born earlier than 37 weeks of pregnancy. At birth, Preemies are at greater risk for both short and long-term health complications than full term infants. Short-term complications include breathing problems such as respiratory distress syndrome, heart issues like patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), hypothermia, gastrointestinal problems and an underdeveloped immune system, which can lead to life-threatening infections. Preemies face potentially lifelong complications such as cerebral palsy, impaired cognitive skills, vision and hearing problems, as well as behavioral and psychological problems.

The care given in the first hour after birth, often known as the “Golden Hour,” is crucial for the long-term health of a Preemie. Having access to the right medical equipment for neonatal care is truly a matter of life and death. Without adequate neonatal equipment and beds, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) staff often face the challenging problem of sharing essential equipment amongst Preemies, necessitating moving a baby from one piece of equipment to another. Research shows that 27% of infants who are moved from one point of care to another experience complications such as hypothermia.

The care given in the first hour after birth, often known as the "golden hour," is crucial for the long-term health of a preemie.

Help us fund equipment

Giraffe Omnibed

A state-of-the-art piece of equipment that simplifies care by combining a full-featured incubator and a radiant warmer in one product, which provides premature and ill babies with a controlled, stress-reduced environment much like a mother's womb.

Airborne 750I Transport Incubator

A transport isolette which functions like a portable intensive care unit, allowing a hospital's delivery team to provide high-level care to premature infants until they can be safely admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

NICU bronchoscope with flexible intubation video endoscope kit

This instrument enables doctors to examine Preemies who were previously considered too small for bronchoscopy or who would have required general anesthesia to undergo the procedure.